Orlando Series Outdoor Portable Table Top Grill:
1 Burner / 2 Burner, with or without foldable split cart
Big Power
Durable Cast Iron Grids
Push and Turn Ignition
Streamline Shaped Design
Detachable Side Shelf

Oslo Series Outdoor Gas Grill:
3 Burner / 4 Burner / 6 Burner, with or without side burner & infrared rear burner
Searing Power Zone (Infrared Main Burner)
Durable Cast Iron Grids
Push and Turn Ignition
Heavy Duty Hood
Foldable Side Shelf

Atlanta Series Outdoor Gas Grill:
3 Burner / 4 Burner / 6 Burner, with or without side burner
Big Power
Durable Cast Iron Grids
Push and Turn Ignition
Heavy Duty Hood
Foldable Side Shelf