Date: Feb. 10th 2020
Dear Customers,
It is believed that many of you are concerned of the coronavirus that is spreading in China currently.
The coronavirs (NCP) is not finally controlled yet, so though there was a local government order that people can go back work from Feb. 10th, actually cannot be.
All the society is taking positive actions by following government insulation policy, hopefully everything can be recovered from early of March.
In order to minimize the delay due to coronavirus, please kindly find the jobs which we can follow currently as below:
- Quotation and documentation for inquiries: as normal
- Drawings: as normal
- Artwork confirmation: as normal
- Artwork printproof confirmation: as supplier is in the same condition, printproof has to be delayed as well. Rework time to be advised.
- Sample: according to our estimation sample can be started from early of March. Anyway, please send us your demanding so that it can be scheduled in advance.
- Visit: as many international airlines are stopped, please kindly reschedule your trip and keep us posted. When the airline is open, it means the coronavirus is in control or disappeared.
- Production and Delivery: Production is totally delayed except the goods finished before CNY. Some workers are on duty for very limited work. Please keep in touch so we can see how to meet your demandings maximumly.
Thank you for your kind understanding and support very much!
Best regards,